
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

How to improve your Wireless internet and network connection?

Microsoft Windows gives you a notification whenever your wireless network has a weak signal. This is a sign that you should improve your wireless network. When you get this notification, it means that the wireless connection is not as reliable or high-speed as it's supposed to be. In fact, the wireless connection signal may be completely lost in certain areas of the house. If you would like to improve your wireless network signal, you should carry out a few of these tips. These tips will extend the wireless range. They will also improve the overall performance as well as reliability of the wireless network.
  • Place the router away from walls.
  • Place the router off the floor.  
  • Place the router away from metal objects.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Computer Basics that you must know nowadays

One can’t undermine the importance of computer in a person’s life in today’s world. No matter in which field you are working or what you are studying, if you are not using computer then it can be said that you are unnecessarily missing out on a big advantage. There are people who have this phobia for computers and they think that it is too complicated to handle. Operating a computer hardly requires any special skill that you need to possess. All that you need to do is get to know certain computer basics which will provide you with a general idea about the functioning of a computer and then nothing will seem difficult.
If you don’t have any idea about how a computer works then the first thing that you should do is to get acquainted with all the devices of a computer. Have a clear idea about the various input and output devices of a computer and know which device is used for what

Buying a Gaming Computer: Four Things to Consider

If you are an avid fan of computer games, you will need a powerful computer to run all the intensive applications of modern3d games . You will need to place speed and performance on top of cost and portability when buying a gaming PC. These high-performance machines require high-end components which come at a hefty price tag. You will not necessarily have to break the bank but be ready to shell out some extra bucks!
Here are some things you need to consider when selecting your gaming PC.
* Speed and Performance
Gaming computers are designed with the gamer in mind. They are built to deliver high frame rates, high resolution, and faster response

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Hard Drive Defragmentation

Windows Disk Defragmenter Utility let you "re-organize" the used spaces of your hard drives. You can think of your hard drive as a drawer with full of stuffs that you just dump in again and again. The problem is, when you need to find something from that drawer, you might need to spend a good amount of time to search through the mess. Same for the Windows operating system, your hard drive is the messy drawer, and Windows just has to search through it to execute your command. So it's time to re-organize it to make your PC run faster.
  1. Launch the Disk Defragmenter utility by either:
    - "Start" >> "Programs" >> "Accessories" >> "System Tools" >> "Disk Defragmenter", or:
    - "Start" >> "Run", enter "dfrg.msc" then press Enter.

Erase a Re-writable CD/DVD on Windows Vista or 7 without using any Software

  1. Insert a re-writable CD/DVD disc into the CD/DVD drive.
  2. Navigate to "Computer" (Double-click on Computer from your desktop or press Windows key + E)
  3. Right-click on the CD/DVD drive and select "Erase this disc"
4. At the wizard Burn to Disc click "Next"

Friday, 2 September 2011

Tips &Tricks For Device Manager

  • Keyboard shortcuts: There may have been times when your mouse was not detected and you had a hard time getting around the device manager. Here are the navigation keys with Device Manager. If you are in the desktop, press the TAB key repeatedly until My Computer is selected. Then press the context MENU key, which is between the left Ctrl key and the

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Tips & Tricks For BIOS

  • Standby BIOS: After you had just assembled or just bought your PC, make sure to take a copy of your BIOS in a floppy. Do not forget to copy the software program required to flash the BIOS with it. For instructions regarding this, refer to your motherboard manual or the manufacturer's website.

  • Do not detect absent IDE drives: As mentioned earlier, you can connect 4 IDE devices to your MB. During bootup process, the BIOS will try to detect all of them. If you have just a hard disk and a CD drive, you can set the BIOS to detect just these devices and bypass checking the absent ones. This will save some precious microseconds when booting up.

  • Supervisor password: To prevent your BIOS settings from being changed by anyone else, set a Supervisor password in the BIOS and do not set the user password.

  • User password: If you want to prevent access to anyone else, then set the User password.